Born in a loner den just beyond Herondive Hollow alongside their sister, Ash, Nettle started their life off rough. Their mother, Dusk, was a kind she-cat who mainly just seemed unhappy in her current situation with no escape, however their father Moonfreckle wasn't nearly as nice. He barely spent time with them, opting to just be with Ash, as well as constantly arguing with their mother during the night, and so Nettle never truly mourned their father when he died. At 5 moons old, when Dusk went missing due to her murder, Nettle was devastated. They knew they'd never see their mother again, but they still powered on, wandering right into the paws of Thunderclan, where they'd finally stay for good.
Growing up in Thunderclan as a loner-born orphan with no social skills, Nettlekit was not very popular. Instead of playing mossball like other kits, they enjoyed arranging leaves in pretty patterns, even if the other kits had a habit of destroying their creations. Nettlekit didn't always understand the thoughts behind their denmates, but still appreciated them despite their.. destructive qualities. During the final moons of their kithood, Nettlekit idolised Springlight, hoping to become a medicine cat apprentice so they could train under her. Even though they were made a warrior apprentice, they still held those memories dear in their heart, even though they never externally expressed their admiration.
When Nettlepaw first became Dandelionmane's apprentice, they were excited yet nervous - being an apprentice had always seemed like a far-off dream to them, and they never really realised it would actually happen. Nevertheless, Nettlepaw tried their hardest in training, and loved the new freedom of exploring the territory. When Ashpaw somehow made it to Thunderclan, Nettlepaw was ecstatic. Their sister was here too; they weren't alone anymore. Well, at least for the moment. They loved doing things with her: climbing training, collecting flowers (Nettlepaw knew exactly which flowers were Ashpaw's favourite - forget-me-nots! They themself liked lavender and aster.), hunting - oh, hunting! Nettlepaw adored hunting; it always felt natural to them. Somehow, they were always a skilled hunter, even going so far as to steal the cat teaching them how to hunt's catch. If it wasn't clear already, hunting was Nettlepaw's favourite thing to do. They were finally happy: they had their own skills, they had a kind mentor, and they were with their sister! Everything was perfect..
Until The Quasar got ahold of them.
Nettlepaw was interested in The Quasar when Ashpaw first spoke of it, but seeing it in real life? Yeah, no, that really freaked Nettlepaw out. They opted to hide in the apprentices' den until it all washed over, but it never did. Ashpaw had stood up to Bumblestar at the wrong time, the wrong place. She was exiled. She was angry. Claiming the name Ashwhisper, Nettlepaw watched as their exiled sister left camp for the very last time alongside her mentor Echobarley. There was nothing they could do. Nothing. Nettlepaw was devastated. Later on, even though Nettlepaw hadn't known her for long, Dragonflycliff was the other cat whom Ashwhisper had told her story of The Quasar to. She let them take solace in her for a little while, and they became friends.
Over time, Nettlepaw's grief lessened, and slowly they began to come back out of their shell. They remained a monotone, blank-faced cat, but they still felt for those around them, no matter their own expression. Bumblestar had given them a rule, however, and Nettlepaw was sure to follow it: Never dwell on the dead of the clan, no matter the cat. Even if that wasnt meant to be taken completely literally, Nettlepaw didnt recognise that, so they followed it to a T. However, after Nettlepaw had misjudged the force of their drop during their final assessment, they sprained their ankle. It was mild, however, and soon they'd be back on their paws. For now, they were awaiting their warrior ceremony. And trying to ignore the foreboding feeling itching in their paws. Actually, what was that? Probably nothing.