Nettlepaw and Ashwhisper were very close as kits and as apprentices before Ashwhisper left Thunderclan. Even though she's gone, Nettlepaw misses their sister dearly. As a person, however, Nettlepaw somewhat dislikes Ashwhisper. They believe she could have reasoned with Bumblestar better, and shouldn't have pushed her whole life aside for the cult.
When Nettlepaw was a young kit, they were also very close with their mother, Dusk. Nettlepaw felt bad for Dusk wjen she was alive, as she was their only caretaker for the most part aside from Moonfreckle's infrequent visits with Ashwhisper as a kitten. Nettlepaw was devastated when Dusk died.
Nettlepaw disliked Moonfreckle when he was alive, due to his distant behaviour and his deadbeat demeanor around Nettlepaw when they were a kit. Even though they pretend they like Moonfreckle now, this is only due to the nostalgia his presence brings, and they will always have a hint of disdain for him in their heart.
Nettlepaw gets along very well with Dandelionmane, and appreciates them heavily for training them, even if they struggled leaving their nest during this time. Dandelionmane was also quite kind to Nettlepaw in their time of need, and Nettlepaw is happy for them about this.
They arent very close, but Nettlepaw finds comfort in Dragonflycliff since Ashwhisper's exile. She was another cat who was lied to by their sister, and she was close to the other exile, Echobarleym leading them to bond over shared grief.. or disdain, on Dragonflycliff's part.
Nettlepaw doesn't know much about Sunflowerpaw yet, but hopes to be her friend in the future!
Nettlepaw doesn't know Echobarley very well, but they know deep down he has a good heart, even if he has left the clan. Echobarley helped Nettlepaw in their time of need, and they regret it deeply that they cannot do the same.
Nettlepaw despises The Quasar for what it's done to them and their family. However, since finding out that The Quasar is somehow.. simultaneously a parasite taking over their father's body and being a somewhat better person than him.. they've learnt to find confort in it, even if only for their own sake.
A tom that acted uncomfortably towards them when they were a younger apprentice. Right now, Nettlepaw despises the cat, and anyone who behaves like him.